Systemized Biz Coach

Coaching Organizations to Dramatic Profit Increases

Coach Neil

An entrepreneur most of his life, Neil was born in a small Canadian city, Brantford, Ontario, more famous for developing hockey players like Wayne Gretzky than business coaches. Neil gained Fortune 500 experience at Xerox Canada where as Sales Manager he took the 49th ranked team and developed it into the #1 performing team in the country.

As founder of Student Painters, an entrepreneurial development company, he employed thousands of students across 27 states and 7 Canadian provinces growing sales within the first 5 years of $20 million.

“Our proudest accomplishments are the 39 entrepreneurs who have gone on to lead organizations with minimum $10 million sales. Three have exceeded the $1-billion dollar mark, and 1 currently heads a Fortune 100 company.”

After founding 6 successful business ventures, Neil has spent the past 5 years coaching dozens of business owners in varying industries to run their organizations more profitably.

“The past 5 years have been the most exciting, highest energy and greatest learning years of my life. Twenty-five owners with different business models invited me to share their opportunities and challenges. I work hard everyday to become a better coach worthy of these exceptional opportunities.”

Neil earned his Honors Business degree from the University of Western Ontario, Canada’s “Harvard of the North.”