Systemized Biz Coach

Coaching Organizations to Dramatic Profit Increases

Steve Moore: Owner & CEO, Universal Building Specialties, Auburndale Florida “Our company was in a 9-month transition while recruiting a new President and a VP of Operations. We asked Neil Bradley to take charge during the transition. Spending but one day per week onsite he was able to Coach our existing team to achieve their 2006 business plan as well as improve quality and customer service back to levels of excellence. If you are looking to install a Results Oriented culture: see Neil.”

Ralph Ghioto: Co-owner & CEO, Century Automotive, Tampa Florida “I hired Neil to share his Coaching/Accountability systems with our Sales Managers. Living the cliché ‘under promise and over deliver’ Neil moved on to systemize our Recruiting, revive our Internet Department and then double our Quarterly Internet Marketing Results. He is currently helping me realign our senior team’s goals with those of the dealership and the resulting necessary reorganization. Most importantly I use Neil to help me navigate through Priorities during difficult times, and to help me hold my senior team accountable.”

Dean Boring: Owner & CEO, Boring Office Systems, Lakeland Florida “Several of our business divisions were stalled. Neil systemized our processes, helped us with compensation, our annual business plans, developed scripts, and provided a Coaching system to maximize accountability. Bottom line business was up 19% on Neil’s watch.”

Jeff Fischer: Owner & CEO, Florida Lift Systems, Tampa Florida “We brought Neil in to develop our people. Amongst other accomplishments, Neil’s work resulted in one of our team developing leadership qualities to the extent that he was promoted and now successfully manages our largest branch.”

Steve Freedman: Owner & CEO, Freedman Office Furniture, Tampa Florida "Neil has the ability to quickly interpret the situation any individual is up against, from the simple to complex, and provide a clear pathway of step-by-step direction in order to achieve the objectives and goals. Neil acted as a coach to me personally and has been extremely helpful in ensuring we hire the right candidates for various sales and sales management roles...Neil's experience, clarity of thought and insights are precious commodities for any entrepreneur or businessman to have at hand to ensure the sales team is kept focused, enthused, personally satisfied--and selling! Most important of all, our entire sales team has exceeded their monthly sales goals since working with Neil."

Rick Eastwood: Co-owner & CEO, Central Graphics and Container Group, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada "Neil Bradley has had a major influence on my life both personally and professionally over the last 20 years...Over these years Neil acted as my coach, friend and mentor. I refer to these years as a practical MBA. Essentially he gave me the skills and foundation to springboard my career to the next level. The result was a $5 million family business I joined in 1990 that today has revenues in excess of $60 million. Neil's unbelievable energy and enthusiasm combined with his business wisdom and understanding of what it takes to have a sustainable successful business have been invaluable in my personal development and accomplishments."

Geoffrey Mackey: CEO, retired, Superior Plus, a $2.5 billion energy company, Calgary, Alberta, Canada "Neil's work in coaching, mentoring and developing people is top value. The practical experience he gained from developing people in his own business is reflected in his coaching."

Bob Hankin: General Manager, Smith Fence, Clearwater Florida "Three areas which I found most helpful working with Neil were: 1) how to budget/balance my time, 2) how to set goals with my staff, and 3) how to run an effective sales meeting...There is no doubt that I am a better manager today because of Systemized Selling. Thanks to Neil’s coaching, my division has hit our goals the past two years and we are on track to make it three in a row! I recommend, without hesitation, Neil Bradley and Systemized Selling."

Mark Moses: CEO, Platinum Capital, a 1.5 billion finance company, Irving, California "At the time of our crisis, Neil was always there for us, treated us like his priority, and together we got the results needed."

David Ritter, VP Sales & Marketing, Florida Lift Systems "Neil has a great program that is basic, in my opinion, which is what every true professional went by if they were sucessful at all in their careers."