Systemized Biz Coach

Coaching Organizations to Dramatic Profit Increases

Putting the Right Players in the Right Positions
We are looking for individuals with that special results-oriented attitude, the ability to learn and chemistry consistent with the rest of our team. Skills and experience can be trained. Methods we use are as follows:

a. Develop Ideal Organization Charts:
     i. What organization is required to achieve this year’s goals (12 month).
     ii. What organization is required to achieve our three-year goals (36 months).
     iii. Note that some positions will be open and need to be filled temporarily with
          acting managers and the like.
     iv. Rate and rank all employees and all positions.
     v. Identify obvious priority adjustments required.

b. Getting Current Players into the Right Positions:
     i. Determine and set SMART goals for every player.
     ii. Monitor results compared to goals for every player.
     iii. Test all players for a) behavioral traits, b) emotional capacity,
          and c) problem solving skills.
     iv. Share all players' behavioral traits as a team-building tool and
          ‘getting yourself in the right role’ exercise.
     v. Involve all employees in an annual off-site SWOT analysis.
     vi. Moves will become obvious after every results review. Make the
          moves as you see them.

c. Recruiting New Players into the Right Positions:
     i. Sourcing applicants: Reinvent sourcing opportunities on a continuing basis.
          1. All guns blazing to find the right sourcing method.
          2. Utilize existing and recent hires.
          3. Target career centers at schools.
          4. Tap into networks.
     ii. Screening:
          1. Develop specific application questions.
          2. Conduct telephone interviews.
          3. Test all employees for a) behavioral traits, b) emotional capacity,
               and c) problem solving skills.
     iii. Interviewing:
          1. Systematic.
          2. Screener acts as sponsor, monitor and point of contact.
          3. Multiple interviews.
          4. Multiple interviewers.

d.Testing all Players for Their Positions:
     i. Utilize certified tests:
          1. DiSC behavioral traits test.
          2. Wonderlic ERI emotional capacity test.
          3. Wonderlic WPT problem solving test.
          4. Craft career capacity test.
     ii. Utilize our professional psychologist to interpret the test results.