Systemized Biz Coach

Coaching Organizations to Dramatic Profit Increases

Systemizing All Functional Processes

Our goal is to develop step-by-step processes that produce repeatable, predictable results for all our business functions. We measure and report results by function regularly compared to established performance standards. Benefits are as follows: 

     1) Average performers consistently overachieve.
     2) Predictable results are easier to manage.
     3) The organization’s business model becomes scalable.

We utilize the following 4-step method to systemize any business function:
     1) List the activities (or steps) required to generated a desired result:
          a. Begin start-through-finish activities.
          b. An activity is defined as a new step towards getting our result.
     2) Estimate the predicted results ratio for each step:
          a. Begin at the finish (result) and work your way back to the start.
          b. For example, to generate one sale we need to make 3 closing calls.
     3) Estimate the elapsed time to complete each step:
          a. For example, a closing call might take 90 minutes including travel time.
     4) Calculate the total time required to generate a result.

Typical business functions that can be systemized:
          a. Recruiting
          b. Orientation
          c. Training
          d. Marketing
          e. Sales
          f. Customer Service
          g. Production/Operations
          h. Quality Assurance
          i. Accounting
          j. Infrastructure